Regular Limit Increase Instruction
You can give the regular limit increase instruction for your TEB Credit Card in order not to experience any limit problem in your shoppings. To give an instruction, you can simply type LIMIT and sent to 4616.
- You can give the regular limit increase instruction for your TEB Credit Card via your registered mobile phone by typing LIMIT and sending a short message to 4616.
- Your card limit, if it is found eligible as a result of the assessments, can be increased by giving you at least 15 days advance notice.
- The charge for sending a short message is 0,5TL (inclusive of VAT and SCT) for Avea subscribers; 0,65 TL (inclusive of VAT and SCT) for Turkcell subscribers; and 0,4 TL (inclusive of VAT and SCT) for Vodafone subscribers. Avea, Turkcell and Vodafone reserve the right to make changes in the unit price of the participation messages.