With your TEB bank and credit card, you may conduct your cash withdrawal and cash advance transactions from BNP Paribas’ ATMs in various countries. Apart from the group banks, you may also receive these services from other contracted banks of BNP Paribas and their ATMs free of charge. This service is offered in 6 continents from approximately 50.000 ATMs.
Please click here for the Main Banking Product Information Form.
Please click here for the Main Banking Agreement.
Countries and Banks that you may withdraw cash without paying any charge (*)
- USA First Hawaiian Bank, Bank of America
- Anguilla Scotiabank
- Antigua and Barbuda Scotiabank
- Australia Westpac
- Bahamas Scotiabank
- Barbados Scotiabank
- Belgium BNP Paribas Fortis
- Belize Scotiabank
- British Virgin Islands (BVI) Scotiabank
- Burkina Faso BICIAB
- Cayman Islands Scotiabank
- Algeria BNP Paribas El Djazair
- Cook Islands Westpac
- China Bank of Nanjing
- Dominica Scotiabank
- Dominican Republic Scotiabank
- Morocco BMCI
- Ivory Coast BICICI
- France BNP Paribas
- Guyane BNP Paribas Guyane
- Gabon BICIG
- Guinea BICIGUI
- Grenada Scotiabank
- Guadeloupe BNP Paribas Guadeloupe
- Guyana Scotiabank
- India Deutsche Bank
- United Kingdom Barclays
- Spain Deutsche Bank
- Italy BNL
- Jamaica Scotiabank
- Canada Scotiabank
- Carribean Scotiabank
- Kenya Barclays
- Luxembourg BGL
- Mali BICIM
- Martinique BNP Paribas Martinique
- Mexico Scotiabank
- Papuasie New Guinea Westpac
- Peru Scotiabank
- Poland BNP Paribas Polska
- Puerto Rico Scotiabank
- La Reunion BNP Paribas La Reunion
- Samoa Westpac
- Senegal BICIS
- Solomon Islands Westpac
- St. Kitts and Nevis Scotiabank
- St. Lucia Scotiabank
- St. Vincent and the Grenadines Scotiabank
- St. Maarten (Netherland Antilles) Scotiabank
- Chile Scotiabank
- Tanzania Barclays
- Tonga Westpac
- Trinidad and Tobago Scotiabank
- Turks and Caicos Scotiabank
- U.S Virgin Islands (USVI) Scotiabank
- Ukraine UkrSibbank
- Vanuatu Westpac
- Nouvelle Calédonie BNP Paribas Nouvelle Calédonie
- New Zealand Westpac
- Zimbabwe Barclays
* Bank of America, Barclays, BNP Paribas,Scotia Bank, West Pac