Personal Financing Loan

Personal Finance Loan

    You may utilize TEB Personal Finance Loan, putting the house you own up as guarantee, for up to 60 % of the appraised value of your house to cover your cash needs arising out of your home decoration, modification and other costs.

    The interest rate related to your personal finance loan will remain unaffected by the interest rate fluctuations in the market and remain fixed throughout the entire maturity term. You can utilize TEB Personal Finance Loan under long maturity term deals, which extend up to 60 months, and repay it in installments conveniently. 

    • The photocopy of the ID card (birth certificate) or the driving license of the applicant.
    • Proof of Income

         - In the cases of the professionals employed on salary basis, the payroll slip for or a letter, stating the income of the concerned, issued on a letterhead paper (in which case, the list of authorized signatories of the concerned company shall be required.)

         - Balance sheets for the last 3 years, Tax Certificate and the extract from the Trade Registry Gazette for the self-employed.

    • The photocopy of the real property, on which mortgage is to be created (as apartment sharing/ Property ownership has been duly created)
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