ECA (Export Credit Agencies) Credits


    For the customers importing investment goods, we give our guarantee to Export Credit Agencies abroad. Related agency insures seller’s bank against TEB’s default risk thus medium and long term financing becomes available for the seller. The ECAs offer this tool to their exporters to support them to survive in a very tough environment worldwide. This instrument enables buyers for long term investment financing while sellers reaching payment at sight. Financing covers in general the 85-90 % of the sales invoice.


    U.S.A. US EXIMBANK Export –Import Bank Of The United States
    FCIA FCIA Management Company Inc.
    OPIC Overseas Private Investment Corporations
    AIG AIG Global Trade & Political Risk
    ZURICH Zurich Emerging Markets Solutions
    CHUBB Chubb Political Risk
    GERMANY EH GERMANY EULER Hermes Kreditversicherungs-AG
    PWC Pwc Deutsche Revision AG
    AVUSTRIA EFIC Export Finance & Insurance Corporation
    AVUSTRALIA OEKB Oesterreichische Kontrollbank Aktiengesellschaft
    BELGIUM ONDD Office National du Ducroire/Nationale Delcrederedienst
    BERMUDA SOVEREIGN Sovereign Risk Insurance Ltd.
    BREZIL SBCE Seguradora Brasileira de Credito a Exportaçao S/A
    CZECK REPUBLIC EGAP Export Guarantee and Insurance Corporation
    CHINA SINOSURE China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation
    The Export-Import Bank of China
    DENMARK EKF Eksport Kredit Fonden
    INDONESIA ASEI Asuransi Ekspor Indonesia
    FINLAND FINNVERA Finnvera Plc.
    FRANCE COFACE Compagnie Française d’Assurance
    SOUTH AFRICA CGIC Credit Guarantee Insurance Corporation of Africa Ltd.
    SOUTH AFRICA ECIC SA Export Credit Insurance Corporation of  South Africa Ltd.
    SOUTH KOREA KEXIM The Export-Import Bank of Korea
    INDIA ECGC Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Ltd.
    HOLLAND ATRADIUS Atradius Credit Insurance NV
    HONG KONG HKEC Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation
    U.K. ECGD Export Credits Guarantee Department
    SPAIN CESCE Compania Espanola de Seguros de Credito a la Exportacion
    CYC Compania Espanola de Seguros de Credito y Caucion S.A.
    ISRAIL ASHRA Israel Export Insurance Corp. Ltd.
    SWEDEN EKN Exportkreditnamnden
    SWITZERLAND SERV Geschaftsstelle für die Exportrisikogarantie
    ITALY SACE Istituto Per i Servizi Assicurativi del Credito all’Esportazione                                                               
    JAMAIKA EXIM J National Export-Import Bank of Jamaica Limited
    JAPON JICA Japon International Cooperation Agency
    JAPON NEXI Nippon Export and Investment Insurance
    CANADA EDC Export Development Canada
    KOREA KEIC Korea Export Insurance Corporation
    HUNGARY MEHIB Hungarian Export Credit Insurance Ltd.
    MALAYSIA MEXIM Export-Import Bank of Malaysia Berhad
    MEXICO BANCOMEXT Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior
    NORVAY GIEK Garanti-Instituttet for Eksportkreditt
    POLOND KUKE Export Credit Insurance Corporation
    PORTUGAL COSEC Companhia de Seguro de Creditos S.A.
    SLOVAKIA SLOVAK EXIM Export-Import Bank of the Slovak Republic
    SLOVENIA SEC Slovene Export Corporation Inc.
    SRILANKA SLECIC Sri Lanka Export Credit Insurance Corporation
    SAUDI ARABIA SEP Saudi Export Program
    THAILAND THAI Export-Import Bank of Thailand
    TAIWAN TEBC Taipei Export –Import Bank of China
    TURKEY TÜRK Export Credit Bank of Turkey
    NEW ZEALAND ECO The New Zeland Treasury and The New Zealand Export Credit Office
    ZIMBABWE CREDSURE Credit Insurance Zimbabwe Ltd.
    INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTION MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
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