
E Signature

    Electronic signature is an electronic data used in the electronic transactions which has the same legal validity and effect as hand-written signatures pursuant to the Law No. 5070.

    E-Signature Specifications

    • It is is exclusively assigned to the Signature Owner.
    • It enables the identification of the Signature Owner
    • It is generated with the Secure Electronic Signature Creation Device.
    • It enables detection as to whether signed electronic data has or has not been altered.

    Information included in E-Signature

    • Name-Surname,
    • Turkish Identification Number / Pasaport Number,
    • The date of the beginning and the end of the validity period of the certificate.

    How an E-Signature is generated?

    E-signature is generated once the card and card reader containing the signature certificate are installed and the signature owner enters his/her pin code.

    In which Transactions E-signature is used?

    • Banking transactions
    • External and internal-company electronic correspondence 
    • Electronic agreements
    • E-trade
    • Insurance transactions
    • E-government applications 
    • Electronic transactions executed with public institutions
    • E-signature provides the highest level of security to your company.
    • It eliminates the necessity of a written instruction.
    • It eliminates the necessity of having authorized signatories present in the company.
    • Signature circular verification is automatically made, thus it shorthens the period of putting your instructions and payment files into process.
    • The instruction is not required to be printed, thus it reduces stationary and archiving costs.

    Electronic signature is provided by Electronic Certificate Service Providers authorized within the scope of Electronic Signature Law No. 5070. Our customers can obtain e-signature by appliying to E-Güven, TurkTrust and E-Tuğra which are authorized ECSP institutions. TEB, with the cooperation it made with E-Güven and TurkTrust, offers discounted price and other advantages to its customers wishing to have e-signature. The applications made from TEB branches and through internet are delivered to E-Güven and TurkTrust.

    Please click here to purchase e-signature from E-Güven. Please click here to purchase e-signature from TurkTrust. You can also fill the application forms and send them to the relevant Electronic Signature Service Provider.

    TEB initiated an electronic signature application for all transaction instructions sent by its customers.  Alli instructions and TL and foreign currency payment files of our customers delivered and signed by e-signature are taken into process. TEB customers can also benefit from discounted price and other advantages for the e-signatures they purchase from E-Güven and TurkTrust.

    Using electronic signature provides great advantages and convenience to our customers in their banking transactions. By means of the infrastructure we have developed by using advance technology, our companies are able to send their e-signature instructions to our Bank by e-mail, internet banking and sFTP. When these instructions are received, they are automatically processed under the system control. Thus, authorised signatories of our companies do not need to be physically present in their offices to sign the instructions; their transactions are processed by the safest and fastest way. With its high security advantages and the conveniences it provides, we expect e-signature usage in the banking transactions to become widespread in the upcoming periods.

    If you also want to send your instructions to our Bank with your e-signature, please sign the attached form and send to your branch.

    How to fill out the form?



    Can E-Signature be obtained for legal entities?

    E-signature is the official identity card of the individuals (real persons) in the electronic environment. It can be issued only for individuals. Electronic certificate are not issued for legal entities.

    Which Institutions/Organizations are using E-Signature?

    Now, many governmental and private institutions start using e-signature within the scope of e-government transformation process.

    Services offered in the electronic environment by our State to our country citizens are developed within the scope of e-government applications. E-government applications aim to provide the services to the citizens in a qualified, fast, seamless and secure manner. Citizens are required to have e-signatures in order ro benefit from e-government applications.

    Some of the areas in which e-signature is used:

    • Sending various banking transaction instructions to the banks.
    • E-Government Gate Project.
    • Undersecretariat of Customs - Summary and detailed declaration applications.
    • Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade (UFT) - Inward Processing Regime (IPR) transactions.
    • The first electronic signature application in the public scale is Inward Processing Regime Automation Project.
    • Ministry of Finance, E-billing application.
    • Ministry of Justice, National Judiciary Network Project.
    • Ministry of Industry – Warranty Certificate, After Sales Services Qualification Certificate and Exemption Certificate Applications.
    • Turkish Patent Institute - Trademark Applications.
    • Central Registry Agency - Information Security and Certificate Services Implementation Project.
    • TUBITAK-TEYDEB – Project applications.
    • General Directorate of Free Zones - Implementation Program.
    • Financial Crimes Investigation Board (MASAK) - Suspicious Transaction Reporting.
    • Internal paperless office environment (permits, agreements, order forms, etc.), e-mail applications, intra-company correspondence, corporate applications over electronic environment.
    • Ministry of Finance - Revenue Administration system VEDOP.
    • Social Security E-Declaration Project.
    • Capital Markets Board (CMB) and Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE).

    How e-signature is related with e-Government Gate project?

    • The most important step towards the transformation process of Turkey into an information society has been taken and e-Government Gate which carries public services to electronic environment has opened. With e-Government Gate Project which enables 21 public intitutions to provide their services in electronic environment, e-Government transformation process that was being discussed since 5 years is now began providing “service” to the corporations and citizens in real terms.
    • Anyone who wishes now can get through e-Government Gate by means of 3 separate methods composed of electronic signature and mobile signature. Thus, services provided by government to its citizens can be conducted over the internet without any time and place restriction. 
    • However, at this point, all citizens served by public institutions should be correctly defined in the internet. In other words, controls made through identity checks in real life must be transferred to the internet with the same security level.
    • The electronic signature comes into play here. E-signature and mobile signature are of great importance for correctly verifying the identity of citizens receiving service through electronic environment within the scope of e-Government Gate project. 
    • Citizens can create a password by going to PTT branches and submitting their ID cards, thereby they can get through e-Government Gate in this way. On the other hand, the passwords which are normally delivered in about 1 week to 10 days can only be used in e-Government Gate applications.
    • In fact, in order to speed up Turkey’s e-Government transformation process, many important organizations such as Ministry of Industry, Turkish Patent Institute, Ministry of Justice and Development and Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade make the use of e-signature mandatory. 

    Citizens wishing to benefit from the services provided within the scope of e-Government Gate Project such as; 

    • The Prime Ministry Communication Center - Application Inquiry
    • Social Security Institution - Service Scheme
    • Business Inquiry and Application Open as to the Profile
    • Job Application Status Inquiry
    • Unemployment Compensation Application
    • Unemployment Compensation Payment Followup 
    • Querying Outsatnding Debts to Turkish Employment Agency (İŞKUR)
    • Ministry of Interior – Tracking Document Status
    • Ministry of Transport – Civil Aviation Flight Crew Licensing Application
    • Turkish State Railways (TCDD) – E-Ticket Reservation and Sales
    • Undersecretariat of Maritime Affairs – Amateur Seaman's Certificate

    are required to have password, e-signature or mobile signature

    Use of E-Signature around the World

    E-signature is started to be implemented by United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) upon the enactment of Model Law on Electronic Commerce in 1996 and Model Law on Electronic Signature in 2001, by making the necessary legal arrangements in countires of the world.

    In Europe, the most widely used area of e-signature is in banking as well as in e-government applications to a limited extent.

    E-government applications are on its way to become a rapidly growing e-signature application area. E-government applications are also developing in Austria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, Estonia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania and United Kingdom. Belgium, Holland and Hungary are also planned to start these applications.

    What are the examples of successful use of E-Signature in the world?

    Germany, Köln (Cologne), City Card Project:

    This Project includes the transfer operations of municipality service business processes in a secure electronic environment both for the employees and citizens. The electronic communication established between the citizens and municipality provides a solution for the needs such as an infrastructure for legally binding digital signatures, an open, forward-looking and standard solution wherein the smart cards and Open Key Infrastructure are integrated with each.

    In line with this, the business processes are improved with the help of digital signatures; and with multi-application smart cards, the solution is applied to the areas of education, culture and health. 

    Italy, Ministry of Interior Identity Card Project:

    Italy is the second country in Europe that started to implement electronic card. The solution produced by Italian Ministry of Interior to develop the identity recognition of its citizens and to move the relationship between the citizens and public authorities out of the buildings of public institutions has been established on a new identity card based smart-card technology. Within the scope of the project, safe and online electronic identity card distribution procedures and processes for the municipalies have been developed with central Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) management. In its pilot stage, the project has covered 83 municipalities and 280.000 citizens in the cities of Milan, Palma and Roma. The Italian Government will create approximately 40 million electronic identity cards within 5 years.

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