FIELD AGRICULTURE a) The fields to be sown during spring in places with warm winter season are ploughed and holes are opened. The fields that are not dressed during the sowing process are dressed. b) Field bean is sown at the south to obtain green fertilizer. c) Fluffy fields are pressed down by using round stones called “loğ”. The sprouts from the thick grain fields are fed to the animals. d) Necessary measures are taken for protection and struggle with harmful affects are taken in the warehouses.
FRUIT GROWING a) Pits for saplings are opened. The garden soil are deeply dug and dressed at good locations. b) The works to take out, fold and distribution of saplings are completed. Saplings are planted in areas with warm climate. Olive saplings are planted. Seeds of apple and pear are sown to pans. c) Pruning is made on the olive and citrus fruit trees. Preparations are started for cleft graft. d) Pesticides are applied for the winter time to all fruit gardens. e) Harvest can be made on citrus fruit, banana and palm trees. Packing and marketing activities are continued. The products are stored in their packing in line with the necessary techniques.
VEGETABLE GROWING a) Out of season vegetable growing activities continue in the greenhouses located in suitable climates. b) Preparations for hot bet are started in regions with suitable climate. The seeds are sown into hot beds near the end of month. Entrapment is made to certain vegetable seedlings. c) Uncompleted garden digging works are completed. Different pesticides are applied. d) Certain vegetables are sown in regions with suitable climate. e) Irrigation, tip take-out and hoeing works are performed in the greenhouses and at the hot beds. f) Struggling with different pests are started in the greenhouses and at the hot beds. g) Winter vegetables such as cabbage, lettuce, leek, spinach and parsley are harvested. The vegetables are stored in the warehouses or cold stores. VITICULTURE a) Bottom parts of grapevines are opened in warm regions. Channel roots are cleaned. Dressing is made. Deep “krizme” is applied in certain regions. b) Grapes are stored in clod stores and shipped to the market.
ANIMAL BREEDING a) The maintenance of barns is considered very important since the animals are kept in barns in most regions. Thus the barns must be cleaned, ventilated and measures must be taken for struggling with diseases. b) The animals must be fed with different feedstuffs and it must be struggled to prevent pests and indoor air must be kept clean. c) Preparations are started for delivery. d) Animals may be kept at feeding grounds in certain warm regions. e) Protective inoculation is made against animal diseases. CHICKEN BREEDING a) Ventilation and cleaning works are regularly performed in the hencoops. b) Preparations may be started for nesting c) The poultry must be fed with variable and good feedstuffs if they are mostly staying inside the hencoop. d) Protective inoculation must be performed against different diseases suffered by poultry. The medicines must be given together with the feedstuffs..
BEEKEEPING a) As the bees stay permanently in beehives, the beehive openings are cleaned and the beehives are ventilated. c) If there is not enough food or the bees, powdered sugar is put on cloths and placed inside the beehives. The beehives and honeycombs must not be shaken to prevent death of sleeping bees due to falling down. d) Struggles are started against the pests and diseases seen in the beehives.
FIELD AGRICULTURE a) The soil is prepared for spring sowings in certain warm regions. The sown fields covered with a layer are broken by using rake and goosefoot. Overly fluffy fields and fields covered with turf are layered with “loğ”. Artificial fertilizers and farm fertilizers must be put on light and strained fields. b) Grains like rye, barley, peas, and field beans are sown in regions with warm climate. c) First lifeline is given to watery fields that were sown. d) Storage and struggling works are continued in the warehouses. The seeds are separated and medicated. Then they are made ready for sowing.
FRUIT GROWING a) Sapling holes are opened; the areas to be used for collective fruit growing are ploughed. The tree bottoms are fluffed out and dressed. b) Sapling sowing is continued until the middle of the month in warm regions. Saplings are taken out and folded. c) Pruning works are started and continued for all fruits (in warm regions). d) Struggling works are continued against different pests and diseases during the winter time e) Harvesting of especially citrus fruits continues. They are packed and released to the market. Storage is made for summer season.
VEGETABLE GROWING a) Out of season vegetables are harvested in the greenhouses. b) Vegetable seeds are sown onto hot beds. The seedlings may be taken to the garden in certain regions near the end of month. Harvesting of winter vegetables is continued in the warm regions. c) The soil is prepared and dressed for sowing summer vegetables in the regions with early spring. d) Irrigation, hoeing and picking (weeding) works are performed in the greenhouses and on the hot beds. e) Struggling works are continued against different pests and diseases. f) First out of season vegetables grown in the greenhouses are packed and released to the market.
VITICULTURE a) Deep digging (krizma) and dressing is performed at areas where grapevines will be developed and in old facilities.. b) Vine stems with or without rotes are sown. c) Pruning is started. d) Winter struggling is performed in the grapevines. Stock of grapevine is washed with blue vitriol.
ANIMAL BREEDING a) Importance is given to cleaning and disinfection as the animals are kept in the barns. b) The animals are fed in the barns with variable feedstuffs. Animal care works are made. c) As deliveries started now, necessary measures are taken. The young animals are cared for and fed. d) The animals are taken out to the feeding grounds in suitable days. e) Protective inoculation and medicines are used against animal diseases and pests.
CHICKEN BREEDING a) Ventilation and cleaning works are continued in the hencoops. b) As the nesting season is beginning, necessary measures are taken. c) Seed feeds and artificial feedstuffs are given in the hencoops to ensure balanced nutrition. d) Protective inoculation is continued and medicines are given. BEEKEEPING a) The bees are taken out slowly in suitable climates and ventilation works must be performed carefully as the bees are still inside in cold regions. b) Syrup must be given in the cold regions. c) Struggle is made against the possible diseases and pests.
FIELD AGRICULTURE a) The soil is cultivated for all kinds of field agriculture and dressing is also made. The soils covered with turf are torn by using rake and goosefoot. In this manner, tillering is achieved in the grain fields. Second nitrogen application is made on the field planted only during autumn. b) Plantation of summer time grains continues. At the same time, meadow-feeding ground and feedstuff plants are planted; tobacco nurseries are prepared and cotton plantation is started.. c) Lifeline is given to the areas needing irrigation and excess water accumulating on the fields is removed. d) Struggle with pests and diseases must be emphasized on the fields planted for the autumn season. FRUIT GROWING a) The areas to be used for collective fruit growing and existing areas are ploughed and dressed. b) Plantation of saplings is continued in many regions. c) Pruning and budding works are continued on the fruit trees. As the fruits with hard core may blossom in warm regions, care must be taken against frost. Lifeline must be given to the newly established fruit gardens. d) Struggle with pests and diseases must be continued. Measures must be taken especially against pear eye worm, puceron and olive moth. e) Harvesting and packing of citrus fruits are continued. They are released to the market.
VEGETABLE GROWING a) Harvest of out-of season grown vegetables such us tomato, cucumber, zucchini must be continued. b) First entrapment is made on the vegetables planted to hot and warm beds. c) Cultivation of the soil in the vegetable gardens is continued. The soil is dressed and cultivated for plantation. d) Tomato, paprika, eggplant is slowly taken to the plates. e) Lifeline is given to the seedlings that were entrapped or taken to the plate. Hoeing must be made if no entrapment was performed. Hoeing is started especially with field beans and peas. f) Struggle is made with the pests and diseases encountered in the gardens, greenhouses and hot and warm beds.
VITICULTURE a) Soil cultivation and dressing is continued on the areas to be developed as grapevine and on existing facilities. b) Vine stems with or without roots are planted. c) Grapevine pruning is finished during this month at areas not exposed to the risk of frost. If there is frost risk, it must be waited for the frost to end. Budding operations are started in comparably warm climates and warm regions. d) Struggle must be made with the pests and diseases and the stock of grapevine is washed with blue vitriol in cold regions before exploding of eyes.
STOCK BREEDING a) Works in the barn are slowed when the animals are taken to the feeding grounds. b) Additional feedstuffs must be given also to the animals taken out to the feeding grounds. Feeding and care of other animals kept in the barns are made. c) Necessary measures must be taken against risks of deliveries continuing in the farms. d) Improvement works are commenced on the feeding grounds as grazing is started in certain regions. Grazing in turns may protect the feeding grounds and extend their useful life. e) Protective inoculation and other measures are applied against contagious diseases and other pests that could be seen in the spring. POULTRY HUSBANDRY a) Maintenance, cleaning and disinfecting works are continued in the henhouses. The windows of the henhouses must be covered with cage wire to prevent entry of harmful animals such as cats, dogs, fox and weasel. b) As the nesting season is beginning, necessary measures are taken. Eggs suitable for chicken growing are selected for production. c) Feeding of new born chicks is emphasized and feeds supporting their growth are selected. d) Protective inoculation is continued and medicines are given against chicken diseases. This is especially important for the chicks.
a) Caring of beehives continus as the bees will get out of the beehive in certain regions. The frames of the beehives are repaired. Moldy and broken frames are repaired b) Caring works will increase as the bees will start to collect honey and so beekeeping materials must be made ready for use. c) Spring time cleaning must be made to prevent diseases in the beehives.
FIELD AGRICULTURE a) Soil is prepared and dressed for summer time plantation. Certain grassy fallowing are cultivated on the surface by using rake, cultivator, disc harrow and goosefoot. Certain bean fields are ploughed to obtain green fertilizer. b) All kinds of field plants are seedlings are planted in suitable regions. c) Hoeing is made on the fields covered with wild grass or turf due to irrigation, struggle is given with wild grass on the rain fields and picking and separation are made on certain plants. d) Struggle is given and measures are taken against all kinds of plaint diseases. Seeds of certain plants to be planted must be medicated. FRUIT GROWING a) Soil cultivation is continued in the fruit gardens and dressing is made along with cultivation. b) The works to take out, fold and distribute saplings are continued according to the relevant region. Plantation is completed in certain warm regions. c) Besides caring works, irrigation and hoeing are continued. Cleft graft application is continued in certain regions. Hoeing is completed generally at the end of this month. d) Struggle is given and measures are taken against all kinds of diseases and pests encountered in the gardens. But struggling is halted during the blooming period.
VEGETABLE GROWING a) Out-of-season vegetable growing is continued in the greenhouses of certain region. The vegetables are harvested. b) Caring, irrigation and uprooting of seedlings grown on hot beds are continued. c) Cultivation of vegetable fields is continued during this month. Necessary fertilizers are applied. The gardens are separated into pans and spouts. d) Various vegetable seedlings are taken from the hot beds to the field. The seeds of the summer vegetables are planted into the soil. e) After plantation of vegetable seeds and seedlings, lifeline must be given. Hoeing is started on the vegetable fields in certain regions. Certain vegetables are supported with props. f) Measures must be taken against of diseases and pests that may be seen in the vegetables. g) Certain out-of-season vegetables are harvested. They are packed and released to the market.
VITICULTURE a) Spring time krizma is made in the grapevines. Channels of the vines are opened. Necessary dressing is made. b) Plantation of vine stems is continued in certain regions during this month. c) The pruning works are carefully performed in the grapevines. Budding is started in certain warm regions. Stocks are taken to props. Implantation continues in certain regions. d) Pesticides are applied carefully against diseases and pests. STOCK BREEDING a) Various maintenance, cleaning and disinfection works are continued in the barns. b) Feeding in the barn is continued since the animals can not find enough feedstuffs on the feeding grounds of certain regions. Animal caring is performed near the end of month in the warm regions. c) As the deliveries will continue during this month, necessary measures must be taken. d) Feeding ground improvements are made. Grazing must be allowed in intervals on the feeding grounds. New feeding grounds are developed in certain regions. e) Protective inoculation and medicines are administered against animal diseases and pests. POULTRY HUSBANDRY a) Various maintenance, cleaning and disinfection works are continued in the henhouses. b) Nesting activities continue during the month. c) Production efficiency increases and chicken health is improved if different feedstuffs are given to the chickens. Importance must be given especially to the feeding of chicks. d) Protective inoculation and medicines are administered against chicken diseases and pests. BEEKEEPING
a) Beehives must be kept healthy and frames must be replaced in certain beehives. b) Cleaning and caring of bees is continued. Queen is released to the beehives if there is no queen. Syrup is given as nutritive supplement to the beehives with weak nutrition. c) Pesticides are applied against various bee diseases and measures are taken.
FIELD AGRICULTURE a) Plowing, doubling, triplication and dressing is made on the fields to be used for summer plantation. Rake is used to torn the turf tearing, weeding and grass removal and cultivation with cultivators is continued. Paddy pans are prepared. Channel is filled up on the peanut plants. b) Plantation of cotton, sun flower, sesame, green beans, soy beans, paddy and truck garden is made. And tobacco seedlings are also planted. c) Irrigation, hoeing, tying to stem, picking and other caring works are performed. d) Care must be taken against harmful diseases especially during this month and necessary measures must be taken. e) Early growing grains are harvested in hot regions and preparations are started for the threshing. Feedstuff plants and meadow grass are sown.
FRUIT GROWING a) Hoeing and plowing is made to cultivate the soil in the gardens and seedling areas. Necessary fertilizers are made along with the cultivation. b) Seedling plantation continues until the end of month in certain cold region. c) All kinds of caring, crowning, pruning, budding, hoeing and irrigation works are performed in the gardens and seedling areas. Graft is made usually by cleft graft. Graft by budding is made in certain regions. Grafts failed in the past season are renewed. Lime white is applied to the trees in the hot regions. d) Struggle is given and measures are taken against all kinds of diseases and pests encountered in the gardens. e) Harvesting of green plum, cherry, sour cherry, Japanese plum, apricot and almond is started. VEGETABLE GROWING a) Works on hot and cold beds are continued in certain regions. b) Soils used for plantation of vegetables and seedlings are cultivated. Dressing is made for all kinds of vegetables. c) Seeds and seedlings of all kinds of vegetables are planted. d) Hoeing, irrigation, taking to stems and budding works are continued. e) Struggle is given and measures are taken against all kinds of diseases and pests. f) All kinds of vegetables are harvested during the month and then packed and released to the market. VITICULTURE a) Soil cultivation and dressing is made in the grapevines located in certain cool regions. b) Plantation of grape stems is continued. c) Pruning, channel opening and grafting is continued in cooler regions. Budding and tying to stems are continued in the warm regions. d) Struggle is given against milieu and insineration. Fight is given against other pests. STOCK BREEDING a) Works in the barn are continued during the month. b) Barn nutrition is performed as feeding supplement if the feeding grounds do not have the required capacity in certain regions. The animals are trimmed. c) Although deliveries reduce, they continue in certain regions. d) Feeding grounds are improved and grazing on feeding grounds is continued in all regions. e) Struggle is given against various animal diseases and pests.
POULTRY HUSBANDRY a) The henhouses are maintained, cleaned and disinfected with lime. The windows are covered with cage fire to prevent entry of birds. b) Nesting process continues during the whole month. c) Especially green feedstuff must be given to the chickens. The best feedstuff is clover as it increases egg production volume. d) Protective inoculation and preventive medicines must be given against various chicken diseases. BEEKEEPING a) Caring and cleaning works are continued in the beehives to allow easy working by the bees. It is important to use modern beehives in order to achieve this target. b) Beekeeping materials are kept in good condition. Swarming continues during the whole month. c) Struggle is given against various bee diseases.
d) Honey harvest is started in certain warm regions.
FIELD AGRICULTURE a) Generally, soil plowing must be completed. Soil is ploughed for autumn plantation and also soli is cultivated for the second crop by tearing the stubbles. Doubling and triplication is performed in certain regions. b) Corn, truck garden, green beans and radish are planted as the second crop and tobacco, sun flower and cotton and similar plants are also planted in certain regions although it may be a bit late. c) Hoeing, irrigation, grass removal, channel filling and other plant caring works are performed on all crops. d) Struggle is continued against all kinds of diseases and pests. e) Harvest and threshing works are continued for grains. Crops are stored in the warehouses.
FRUIT GROWING a) Soil cultivation, plowing and digging works are continued in certain gardens and nursery gardens. b) Plantation works are completed. c) Grafting of offshoots is started in warm regions. Pruning is completed now. However cancerous branches are cut off in certain regions for struggling purposes. Budding is continued. Irrigation, hoeing and all caring works are diligently continued during the month. Picking is made on the fruits. d) Struggle is given against all kinds of diseases that may be seen on the fruit trees. e) Harvesting of all kinds of fruits is started in the warm regions and the fruits are packed and released to the market. Certain fruits are dried for sale.
VEGETABLE GROWIHNG a) Cultivation of soils to be planted must be completed in the cool regions. b) Plantation of all kinds of vegetable seeds, seedlings is completed during this month. Vegetables to be planted as second crop and out-of-season vegetables for autumn are planted. c) Hoeing, budding, seat taking and irrigation works are continued on the vegetables during the whole month. The fertilizers are applied by irrigation in the form of syrup. Channels are filled in various vegetables are tied to the stems and props. d) Struggle is continued against all kinds of vegetable diseases and pests. e) Harvesting of all kinds of vegetables is started. Vegetables are packed and released to the market. Certain vegetables are used to produce paste, conserved food, pickles, dried vegetables and jam. Tomato juice is made.
VITICULTURE a) Soil cultivation and dressing is continued in certain regions. b) Irrigation, budding, channel opening, hoeing, tying to props and other caring works are performed in the grapevines. c) Struggle is given and measures are taken against all kinds of diseases and pests. Grapes that are ripe are harvested at the end of month. And they are released to the market. STOCK BREEDING a) Cleaning, disinfection and similar maintenance works are continued in the barns as they are used as shelter for the animals during nighttime. b) The animals are generally fed on the feeding grounds. New born are fed with bran, oatmeal, tare and clover. Trimming continues. c) Milk processing and packing works are continued. d) Grazing in turns must be applied as the animals will be fed regularly on the feeding grounds. Harvesting, drying and storage of the meadow plants and feedstuff plants must be continued. e) Struggle must be given against all kinds of animal diseases and pests.
POULTRY HUSBANDRY a) Maintenance and cleaning works are continued in the henhouses. b) Nesting activities are completed at the beginning of the month. Different feedstuffs in addition to the green feedstuffs are given to the chickens as supplement. Importance must be given especially to the feeding of chicks. d) Struggle must be given against chicken diseases and lime must be applied to the areas where they are wandering. BEEKEEPING
a) Frames filled with honey are taken out and new empty frames are placed. Caring and cleaning of the beehives are continued. b) Struggle must be given against all kinds of diseases. c) Honey harvesting is already started in certain regions.
FIELD AGRICULTURE a) Stubbles are torn on the grain fields that are harvested. Struggle with wild grass is given on fallowed fields and doubling and triplication is made to meet the green fertilizer needs. b) Plants considered as second crop are planted. c) Hoeing, irrigation, channel filling, picking, tying to stems and other plant caring works are performed on all crops. d) Struggle is continued against all kinds of diseases and pests. e) Harvest and threshing works are continued during the month in various regions. Crops are stored in the warehouses for sale purposes.
FRUIT GROWING a) Soil cultivation may be made in certain regions. b) There is no plantation during this month. c) Generally grafting is started. Fruit picking, sprout picking to prevent evaporation, leaf pulling and budding by cutting certain branches are performed. Irrigation is made frequently. Fertilizer syrups are applied. Grass picking and hoeing works are continued.
VEGETABLE GROWING a) Vegetable gardens are prepared for growing out-of-season vegetables for the autumn. b) Plantation of out-of-season vegetables for the autumn and of second crop vegetables is made. c) Irrigation is made frequently. Hoeing works are continued throughout the month. Fertilizers are applied in the form of syrup. Weed picking and hoeing works are continued. d) Struggle is continued against all kinds of vegetable diseases and pests. e) Harvesting, packing and market release of all kinds of vegetables continue.
VITICULTURE a) Soil cultivation is topped in the grapevines. b) There is no plantation in this month. c) Tip picking, sprout picking, leaf pulling, leech and ring picking, seat picking and tying to props are continued in the grapevines. Irrigation and hoeing works are progressed. d) Struggle is continued against all kinds of grapevine diseases and pests. e) Grape harvesting is started in the grapevines. Besides packing and market release, the grapes are processed for other purposes. Drying is started at the end of the month.
STOCK BREEDING a) Barn works are reduced as the animals are mostly out of the barn or are fed on the feeding grounds. The barns must be kept clean and ventilated and disinfected if the animals are fed in the barns. b) Supplementary feeding must be made since the animals could not be fed sufficiently on the feeding grounds. Special feeding must be provided especially for the lambs and calves. The lambs born during spring time are trimmed. c) Rams are added to the herd in order to ensure early delivery in the spring. d) Harvesting of meadows and feeding plants are is continued. The weeds are dried, stacked, gathered and stored. e) Struggle must be given against all kinds of animal diseases and pests.
POULTRY HUSBANDRY a) Ventilation, cleaning and disinfection works are carried in the henhouses. b) Different feedstuffs along with lots of greenery are fed to the chickens. The chickens are released to feed on stubbles. Importance must be given to the feeding of chicks and pullets. c) Struggle must be given against all kinds of chicken diseases.
BEEKEEPING a) Care must be taken to keep the beehives clean and in good condition. The beehives are transported without shaking to the areas rich in flowers. b) Weak beehives must be combined. c) Struggle must be given against all kinds of diseases and pests.. d) Honey harvesting continues.
FIELD AGRICULTURE a) Destruction of stubbles continues. Soil is cultivated for autumn plantation in certain regions and for plantation of second crops in other regions. b) Second crops are planted during the autumn. c) Irrigation, hoeing and other soil caring works are continued. d) Struggle must be given against all kinds of diseases and pests. Struggle is given against pest infection in the warehouses. e) Harvesting of grains and other field plants is continued. Threshing works are progressed. The products are threshed, packed, released to the market and processed. The products are stored according to the relevant technique in the warehouses. FRUIT GROWING a) Soil cultivation is made in the gardens where autumn plantations will be made. b) There is no plantation for now. c) Irrigation, hoeing and cleaning of sprout and roots are made in the fruit gardens and nursery gardens. Eye cutting operation is continued. Fertilizer syrup is applied. d) Struggle must be given against all kinds of fruit diseases and pests. e) Harvesting of all kinds of fruits is continued. The fruits are packed and released to the market. Certain fruits are dried, canned, squeezed and processed for sale.
VEGETABLE GROWING a) Plantation areas of the final out-of-season vegetables are cultivated. b) Seeds and seedlings of the final out-of-season vegetables are planted and sown. c) Hoeing, tip picking, seat picking and similar plant caring works are carried in the vegetable gardens. d) Struggle is continued against all kinds of vegetable diseases and pests according to the relevant techniques. e) Harvesting, packing and market release of all kinds of vegetables continue. Certain vegetables are dried or canned and processed to produce paste, pickles, jams etc. VITICULTURE a) Tip picking, leaf pulling and irrigation works are continued in the grapevines. b) Struggle is continued against all kinds of grapevine diseases and pests. c) Grape harvesting as well as packing and market release and processing works are continued.
STOCK BREEDING a) Supplementary feeding must be made since the animals could not be fed sufficiently on the feeding grounds. The trimming of the lambs continues. Lots of green feedstuffs must be given in places where the animals are fed in the barns. b) Bovine and small cattle are mated. d) Harvesting of meadows and feeding plants are is continued. They are dried, stacked, gathered and stored. e) Struggle must be given against all kinds of animal diseases and pests. POULTRY HUSBANDRY a) Cleaning and disinfection works are carried in the henhouses. Lime is applied. b) Different feedstuffs are fed to the chickens and pullets. Feeding with green feeds is continued. The chickens are released to feed on stubbles, clovers and meadows. c) Struggle must be given against all kinds of chicken diseases. BEEKEEPING a) Cleaning of the beehives continues. Full frames are taken out and replaced with empty frames. During nighttime the beehives are transported without shaking to the areas rich in flowers and flora. b) Struggle must be given against all kinds of bee diseases and pests. d) Honey harvesting continues
FIELD AGRICULTURE a) Soil is ploughed for autumn plantations. Doubling and triplication is performed on the ploughed fields for plantation. Dressing continues along with plowing. b) Plantation is started in this month to perform early plantation of grains especially in cold regions. c) Irrigation, hoeing and other soil caring works are continued for industrial plants. d) Struggle must be given against all kinds of diseases and pests. e) Harvesting and threshing works are carried. Harvesting of tobacco crop and harvesting of cotton is continued. Harvesting of other industrial plants and truck gardens is made. FRUIT GROWING a) Sapling holes are started to be opened for the autumn plantation in certain regions. Pans are prepared in the nursery gardens for sowing stone fruit seeds. b) There is no plantation of saplings and trees during this month. c) Besides soil caring, irrigation and hoeing works in the fruit gardens and nursery gardens, eye cutting is continued in certain regions. d) Struggle is continued against pests that will hatch and cause harm during the next year. e) Harvesting of certain fruits is completed. But harvesting of other fruits continues. Harvested fruits are packed and released to the market. They are stored and processed. Harvesting is made to prepare salted green olives.
VEGETABLE GROWING a) Plantation of winter vegetables’ seeds and saplings is continued in certain regions. b) Irrigation, hoeing and other plant caring works are carried. Seeds are taken from the vegetables. c) Struggle must be given against all kinds of diseases and pests. d) Harvesting of all kinds of vegetables continue. Harvesting of the last out-of-season vegetables is started in certain regions. The vegetables are packed and market released and processed in different ways.
VITICULTURE a) Caring woks such as irrigation and tying to props is continued in the grapevines. b) Struggle must be given against all kinds of diseases and pests. c) Harvesting and marketing and processing of grapes are continued.
STOCK BREEDING a) In some regions, animals return from highlands to the winter shelters. Barns are prepared by performing repair and disinfection works. b) Feeding, trimming, cleaning and other caring works are carried on the animals. c) Adding rams to the herd continues. d) Grazing on the feeding grounds is continued in certain regions. Final harvesting of meadows and feed plants is made. Silage making of proceeds, corn other green fees is started. e) Struggle must be given against all kinds of animal diseases and pests.
POULTRY HUSBANDRY a) Henhouses are repaired to prepare for the winter. Lime washing and disinfection is made. b) Feeding of chickens with variable feedstuffs continues. The chickens must be frequently released to feed on stubbles and clovers. c) Protective inoculation and preventive medicines must be given against various chicken diseases. BEEKEEPING
a) Caring works continue in the beehives. Beehive entrances are narrowed in the cold regions. b) Struggle must be given against all kinds of bee diseases and pests c) Honey harvest continues. Feedstuff position for the winter time is checked in the beehives at regions where cold weather started.
FIELD AGRICULTURE a) Soil is ploughed and cultivated for autumn and spring plantations. Late mixing fertilizers and farm fertilizers may be given during plowing. Doubling and triplication works continue. b) Plantation of autumn grains is started and continued during the month. c) Irrigation, final hoeing and caring works are continued on newly planted grains and other plants. d) Pesticides and other measures are applied to the seeds to be sown. e) Harvesting of various industrial plants, legumes, truck gardens and grains is continued. The plants are stored in the warehouses and processed. Final crop harvesting is made on the tobacco plants.
FRUIT GROWING a) Sapling holes are opened for autumn plantations. b) The works to take out, fold and distribute saplings are continued according to the relevant region. Dressing must be mad along with plantation. c) Eye cutting may be continued in certain regions during the first week of this month. Irrigation is stopped. d) Necessary preventive measures are taken to destroy the eggs and pupa of the pests that will be active during the next year. e) Final harvesting of the fruits continues in certain regions during the month. The fruits are packed and stored. They are processed in different ways. Harvesting of out-of-season citrus fruits and olive is started
VEGETABLE GROWING a) Solis to be used for plantation are cultivated in the greenhouses. b) Seeds of vegetables that will be sold out-of-season during the next year are planted in certain regions. c) Irrigation, hoeing and caring of out-of-season vegetables prepared for autumn is continued in certain regions. d) Struggle must be given against all kinds of diseases and pests observed in out-of-season vegetables prepared for autumn. e) Harvesting, packing, market release and processing of certain vegetables is made. VITICULTURE a) Soil cultivation and caring is stopped in the grapevines. b) Necessary preventive measures are taken to destroy the pests that will spend the winter under the leaves and in the cavities and against their eggs. c) Grape harvest is made until the middle of the month. Grapes are dried and processed to produce molasses, vinegar, fermented grape juice etc.
STOCK BREEDING a) Cleaning, disinfection, ventilation and lime washing works are continued in the barns. Repairs are completed. b) Animals are fed by using different feedstuffs. Green feedstuffs are generally fed to milk cows. c) Grazing continues on certain grassy meadows. Feedstuff plants are harvested in certain regions. Silage making is continued. d) Struggle must be given and preventive measures must be taken against all kinds of animal diseases and pests. POULTRY HUSBANDRY a) Cleaning, lime washing and disinfection works are carried in the henhouses. b) Different nutritive feedstuffs are fed to the chickens. The chickens are released to feed on stubbles and greenery in certain regions. c) Struggle must be given against all kinds of chicken diseases and pests. BEEKEEPING a) The beehives in the cold regions are transported to their winter locations. They are cleaned and purified before they are left to winter rest. b) Struggle must be given against all kinds of bee diseases. c) Honey harvest is completed in this month. Honey is packed and released to the market.
FIELD AGRICULTURE a) Soils not yet ploughed especially in hot regions are plowed. Late mixing fertilizers are mixed to the soil. b) Late plantation of grains is continued in the hot regions. c) Irrigation is made on the planted fields. The fields not exhibiting strong tillering are layered and compressed. Measures are taken to prevent effects of the cold weather in the soil. d) Preventive measures are taken to store the seeds and crops in the warehouses. e) Late threshing works and harvesting of industrial plants (beet, cotton, paddy, etc.) is completed. FRUIT GROWING a) Holes are opened for saplings in certain regions. b) It is just the right time of sapling plantation. Grafted saplings must be preferred. c) Preventive measures are taken especially against various diseases and pests affecting citrus fruits. d) Harvesting of citrus fruits, banana and olives continues. These fruits are packed and released to the market.
VEGETABLE GROWING a) Soil cultivation and preparation continue in the greenhouses. Plantation areas of the winter season vegetables are prepared in the regions with warm winters. Preparations are started for the hot beds. b) First out-of-season vegetables to be consumed in summer are planted in the regions with warm winters. c) Struggling works are continued for the winter time vegetables. d) Final out-of-season vegetables are harvested and they are packed, stored and processed. VITICULTURE a) The stems and props are collected in the grapevines and stored for the next year. Sheep and cattle herds are released to the grapevines to consume the leaves. In this way, a layer that would serve as a nest for the pests can be eliminated. The stock of grapevine is covered in the soil in the shape of a tumulus in certain cold regions. b) Grape harvesting and processing continue in certain hot regions.
STOCK BREEDING a) Repair and maintenance is performed in the barns and sheep pens. b) Animals are fed with variable feedstuffs. Grazing is allowed on the feeding grounds of certain regions. c) Final harvesting of feedstuff plants is made in certain regions. d) Struggle must be given against all kinds of animal diseases. POULTRY HUSBANDRY a) Ventilation, cleaning and disinfection of the henhouses is continued due to the season. b) Various caring and feeding operations are performed on the chickens. c) Struggle must be given against all kinds of chicken diseases.
BEEKEEPING a) The bees are left to winter sleep in the beehives with sufficient feeds. b) Harvested honey is released to the market.
FIELD AGRICULTURE a) Soil plough is continued in certain regions if the weather is good. The plowing tools are cleaned and stored. b) Grain plantation is made in the hot regions if the weather is good. c) The fields are layered and animals are let to feed on sprouts if the field has very thick plantation. d) Preventive measures are taken against pests affecting the seeds and warehouses. The warehouses are disinfected. e) Onions, beets, radish and carrot are ripened. Ginning is made on the cotton yield. Paddy is ripened. Crops are stored in the warehouses and processed later. FRUIT GROWING a) Sapling holes are opened in the hot regions. Saplings are taken out in the nursery gardens and folded with soil. b) Sapling plantation continues in suitable regions. c) Pruning of stone fruits may be made when the weather is good. The tree bottoms are filled with soil in the shape of tumulus to prevent chilling. d) Preventive measures are taken against diseases and pests affecting the citrus fruits. e) Harvesting of citrus fruits, banana and olives continues. These fruits are packed and released to the market.
VEGETABLE GROWING a) Soil cultivation and preparation continue in the greenhouses. b) Preparations are made for hot and cold beds. c) Seed sowing starts in the greenhouses and hot beds near the end of the month. d) Irrigation, caring and keeping works are performed in the greenhouses and hot beds. e) Preventive measures are taken against diseases and pests affecting the warehouses, greenhouses and hot beds. f) Harvesting, packing and processing of winter season vegetables are made. VITICULTURE a) Props are gathered and safely kept in the grapevines. b) Grapes are stored and marketed in the storage rooms.
STOCK BREEDING a) Maintenance works are continued in the barns and sheep pens. b) The animals are fed in the barns in various places. The animals may be released to the feeding grounds in warm climates. Silage feeds are started to be used from the warehouses. Beet pulp is especially to feed the milk cows. Special feedstuffs are given to the pregnant animals. c) Necessary measures are taken for early deliveries. d) Struggle must be given against all kinds of animal diseases and pests in the sheep pens. POULTRY HUSBANDRY a) Cleaning and disinfection works are continued in the henhouses. b) Chickens are feed in the henhouses with different feedstuffs. c) Struggle must be given against all kinds of chicken diseases.
BEEKEEPING a) The bees are left to winter sleep in the beehives.