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Cash Loans

Cash Loans, Revolving Loans, Flexible Installment Commercial Loan, Overdraft Account and Super Account

Non-Cash Loans

Letters of Guarantee, External Guarentee Letters, Letters of Credit

Number Plate and License Loans

Plate and License Loans from TEB exclusively for you.

Arena Zero-Interest Technology Loan

SMEs who meet their companies’ technology needs from Arena Computer turn out to be protitable.

Supports of Undersecretariat of Treasury

We, in cooperation with the Undersecretariat of Treasury, lower the financing costs of the investments with a term of more than one year which to be benefited from the regional subsidies and of Research & Development and environmental investments.

Loan Guarantee Fund

The access of SMEs and businesses employing less than 250 employees to cost-efficient medium or long-term loans, depending on their companies’ needs, get easier through credit guarantee fund.

Loans Supported by KOSGEB

KOSGEB offers a number of credit programs at various times to support SMEs.

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